Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rearm Count Reset Tools for use Windows 7 Forever

You can use your Windows 7 forever with rearm feature. Windows 7 has a Rearm feature which allows you to use it for next 30 days in evaluation mode but this can be done 3 times at max. So, you can only run it for 120 days maximum without activating using legitimate key or crack it. But there some tools that can automate Windows 7 Rearm indefinitely without crack and use it forever. The Rearm Count Reset Tools makes this procedure somehow easy as it includes minimal manual steps and everything is automated.

With this you can can use Windows 7 forever without cracking. By default, each Rearm count is reduced by one when you perform a Rearming operation but what does these tools do is to reset rearm count to 4 always. They RearmWindows 7 automatically on 29th or 30th Day of every month.

There are three tools namely InfiniteRearm4, Windows7Rearm Forever and Windows 7 Rearm Task developed by some clever users hackers at MDL Forum.
All these tools come with an instruction file for how to do reset Windows 7 Rearm count.

InfiniteRearm4 v1.9: Reset Windows 7 Rearm Count
Windows 7 Rearm Forever 2.0: Rearm Count Reset tools
Windows 7 RearmTask4 v2.1: Rearm Count Reset tools

It has following common steps:

1. Press F8 after POST to display the Advanced Boot Options
2. Select Repair your Computer
3. Select the keyboard input method
4. Enter the Windows Login details
5. Note on which drive the OS is installed below Choose Recovery Option
6. Click on Command Prompt
7. Type driveletter:reset (example C:reset or D:reset) and press Enter
8. Click on Restart button
9. After logon, ignore the watermark & wait for a while till a Message Box is displayed.

Free Download Link for Reset Rearm Count Tools :

InfiniteRearm4 v1.9
Windows 32-bit/64-bit.
Windows 7 Rearm Forever 2.0
Windows 32-bit/64-bit.
Windows7 RearmTask4 v2.1
Windows 32-bit/64-bit.
InfiniteRearm4 v1.9
Windows 32-bit/64-bit.

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